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Guzi Theory-Staff Motivation and Management


I eat melon seeds every day, and I became interested in melon seeds. Later, I did some research on melon seeds and discovered some patterns:

1. Whether people like it or not, it is easy to pick up the first melon seed.

2. Once the first one is eaten, the second and third one will be eaten... Can't stop.

3. In the process of eating melon seeds, people may do some other things, such as going to the bathroom, etc. However, after returning to their seats, they will continue to eat melon seeds without the need for reminders or supervision.

4. In most cases, people will continue to eat until they are all consumed. Why is this so? To sum up, I think there are three main reasons:

1. The behavior of eating melon seeds is very simple; Because of the simplicity, it is easy for people to start this behavior; because of the simplicity, it is easy for people to master the skills and become a familiar hand; and constantly improve the method of eating melon seeds, this process enhances people's self-confidence, and people subconsciously expect to enjoy this process.

2. Every time you open a melon seed, people will immediately enjoy a melon seed kernel. This is crucial. After opening the melon seeds, you can enjoy the fragrant melon seeds immediately. This is an instant reward for those who eat melon seeds; it is this kind of instant reward that plays a subtle role-inspiring people to continue to nibble on a melon seed. .

3. Pick up a plate of melon seeds one by one, and there will be a pile of melon seed skins after a while-you can see the achievements of melon seeds: As a manager, if anyone has a way to make his subordinates complete their work happily like eating melon seeds, then he has succeeded. Through the above analysis, we have found that it is not difficult to do this. First of all, we must learn to decompose tasks, and decompose complex tasks into several simple, easy-to-do small tasks. It's as easy to do as eating melon seeds, and then assign these easy tasks to employees. Employees will be willing to accept such tasks; Second, we must promptly prompt subordinates to start work. For example, give him a clear job goal, provide working conditions, and specify the start time. Let the subordinates start working when they are enthusiastic about the task. Third, employees must be motivated every time they complete a task. This incentive should be timely. In other words, after employees complete their tasks, they must first be motivated and secondly motivated immediately. For example, your assistant just finished editing a speech for you and handed it to you. After you read it and feel satisfied, then you immediately tell her "Awesome! Fast and good." You must never say "Okay, I saw it." For another example, if one of your subordinates is present It is very good to complete the task in the month, you should cash out the bonus in the current month according to the system, and don't delay until next month. It is also impossible to keep silent about cashing out bonuses. If an employee's outstanding work performance cannot be recognized or rewarded by the boss in time, the employee's work enthusiasm will be weakened. If your assistant spends half a day sorting out the information you want for you, instead of complimenting him, you will criticize him because of some of his minor mistakes. Will he consciously and happily complete other tasks that he can or may not do? Just like when eating melon seeds, if you eat a stinky melon seed, you will have lingering fears about the next melon seed. If you eat two stinky melon seeds in a row, you may stop eating them. As a boss, the task you give to your subordinates is to open the seeds, and your attitude towards the subordinates is the seeds. If you let your subordinates eat stinky melon seeds twice in a row, your subordinates may never want to eat your melon seeds again. Fourth, show your subordinates his work achievements. And let him know that you are very happy to see his achievements. The common mistakes managers make are: First, not good at decomposing tasks; Second, did not let the subordinates start to work in time; Third, be stingy with praise. Fourth, like to be greedy. Savor the process of eating melon seeds carefully and review your behavior, I believe you will gain something.

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